Wednesday, March 03, 2010

first crocheted clothes item...

for the longest time, i've never had any interest to crochet clothes items... for one thing, it's such an obasan (japanese for aunty) thing to do, and for another, crocheting clothes takes such a long time that i'll never have the patience to see the whole project through.

but that all changed when i came across this japanese crochet pattern book at kinokuniya. one of the patterns is so pretty and seems easy enough to do... so i embarked on this project using a skein of baby yarn which i bought sometime ago but never had any excuse to use (in the end, i used up 6 skeins of this quite expensive baby yarn!).

i took my own sweet time making this, occasionally putting it aside to work on other projects, and then picking it up again when i have nothing else better to do... it sort of became my "back-up project", and took me about 6 months to complete.

so ta-da! here it is at last... my first clothes item!

here i'm pairing it with a big baggy white pullover, which makes me look kinda chubby :(
gotta get some slim fitting, white long-sleeved blouse for this!

anyway, the finished item feels heavy... i reckon it will not be very suitable for our warm malaysian weather. ah well, maybe i'll just keep it for when i leave for japan! ;)

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